Friday 17 May 2013

Term Two Wrapped Up

This past week was the last full week of University of Limerick's academic year. It feels a bit strange to already be saying goodbye to some of my friends who are heading home, especially because I plan to stay a few more months. It is true that time whips by when you are having fun. My last assessments went well, but I cannot celebrate for too long as I need to jump into planning trips and completing job applications. Oh yes, and somewhere I need to fit in my summer assignments... I have two projects left before my Masters is done and dusted.

This spring also marked the end of my time playing in the University of Limerick Orchestra (ULO). Over the year I have had a great time playing with this group and meeting its musicians. The best part of playing in a community-based orchestra is that you always feel welcomed and appreciated. Plus it helped me maintain my classical repertoire.

The ULO ended its season with a big gala concert at the University Concert Hall. We collaborated with the Limerick Choral Union to provide a diverse range of repertoire; highlights included Sibelius's Finlandia, Berlioz's Symphony Fantastique, Orff's Carmina Burana, Bohemian Rhapsody, and medleys honouring John Williams and the Beatles. In addition, the orchestra accompanied Mozart's Piano Concerto No 23 played by David Szabo, a talented Hungarian pianist studying at the University.

Here are some pictures of the concert. Can you spot me? I am in the first desk of the violins.

Our gala concert was on Saturday and on Sunday we loaded onto buses to play a charity concert in the small town of Killmalock, about 45 minutes outside Limerick. We performed in a fabulous Cathedral, or at least I thought it was fabulous until we were warned about the "bird" problem. Apparently there are nuisance birds who reside up in the rafters of the vaulted ceiling and have the tendency to defecate on the altar. I was less than excited to be sitting directly underneath one such rafter, but it all turned out fine as I did not have to sport any white on my performance black. I think it was the threatening sounds of John William's Jaws which scared them away, or perhaps the thunderous applause (haha!).

Well I am a bit sad to see the end of my rehearsals and classes, but I am looking forward to my summer travels and projects. There is always plenty to keep me busy, it is just a matter of finding time to fit it all in!
All the best,

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