Thursday 8 August 2013

How Irish am I? Part II

Alright, this question of "How Irish am I?" is a bit ridiculous considering I am pretty proud to be Canadian, but last December I posted Part I and now feel compelled to complete the cycle with Part II. However, there are still a few quirks in my personality which have not escaped being influenced by the Irish. This whirlwind year has definitely changed me as a person and I believe for the better.

For starters my name seems quintessentially Irish and has a nice ring when said with an Irish accent. Even this past week someone in Canada commented how Irish my name sounded. In reality, Shannon is obviously Irish (i.e. the River), but Darby is in fact English though no one outside of Ireland really knows. I do have Irish heritage somewhere in my ancestry, but it is not a direct lineage like you might imagine.

Not only is my name deceiving but also my complexion. I have never been known as a tanned person, actually quite the opposite. I tend to be as white in skin colour as they come. With travels to Italy and Spain this summer I had confided my sunburn concerns with my Irish friends and they kindly made me feel better by sharing my apprehension. They assured me that most Irish people are pale-skinned just like me so I fit in perfectly. A few months ago, I found this picture on Facebook which illustrates my point well.

A few other instances have been reminders of the Irish impact on me.  On time when we were planning a party I went to buy "crisps" and as I was choosing from the selection I forgot what we call them in Canada. The term "chips" came back to me, but for a brief, surprising moment I had completely forgotten. A slip of the mind proved very telling in how quickly things can change. Similarly, when I went to Spain it took me a few days to get used to people driving on the other side of the road... the other side meaning the right side like in Canada. I don't even drive in Ireland so I'm not sure why my brain made that change. Again it did not take me long to get over the difference, but noticing it is surprising enough.
My comfort with the UK-style computer keyboard is another big change. I bought an Irish computer after my old computer crashed and the keyboard is slightly different. Now I will be all confused when I use Canadian computers back home. In terms of my accent, I've found that sometimes I phrase questions like the Irish do. Normally when you ask a question your inflection rises towards the end of the phrase, but many Irish rise in inflection then drop at the end. Occasionally I find myself copying this way, but then again I also find myself throwing in "eh?" Old habits die hard.
I have really grown to love Ireland and the country seems to equally love me. Not only do I share my name with a River, but the Irish have kindly named several businesses, buildings and streets after me ;)  Over the last while I've been taking pictures to record just how popular I am. Now I shall share all my finds with you.

 Streets named after me.

Businesses named after me.
 Clubs and pubs named after me.
 Homes are named after me... though the bottom one is a bit offensive!
Signs point towards me and buses advertise me! (understandably I go to the USA and Canada often). 
 Even the dry cleaners in Galway loves me.
 And best of all, my friend Chad found a Coca Cola bottle named after me.
Well, I think it is pretty clear the country is going to miss me when I'm gone! Today is technically my fifth last day in this beautiful country. I do not fly home till the 20th, but this evening I leave for a week-long conference in Salzburg, Austria. I am participating in Roche Continents Youth! Arts! Science! and am very excited to share innovative ideas with other youth studying across Europe. I'll be happy to share more details when I return.
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome! Love this post and you will certainly be missed as we have missed having you back with us here in the cold cold mosquito, blackfly, tick infested North Canada! See you soon!!!


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